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Uprzejmie informujemy, że w dniach 24 i 31 grudnia Muzeum będzie czynne do godziny 13. W dniach 25-26 grudnia oraz 1 i 6 stycznia Muzeum będzie nieczynne.
We kindly inform you that on December 24 and 31, the Museum will be open until 1:00 PM. On December 25-26 and January 1 and 6, the Museum will be closed.

Mission statement

Museum of the Former German Kulmhof Death Camp in Chełmno on Ner was founded in June 1990as a branch of the District Museum in Konin. From July 2013is a branch of the Martyrdom Museum in Żabikowo. Museum is cultural institution of the local government of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship. In addition to organizing exhibitions, the museum also runs educational and academic activities.

The mission of the Museum is to cultivate the memory of the place first instant mass extermination center for Jews in Warthegau. Operates for historical education about the extermination of the Jews and the Roma during the Second World War, preserving the relics and documenting the history of the death camp. 


Museum of the Former German Kulmhof Death Camp in Chełmno on Ner

Branch of the Martyrdom Museum in Żabikowo

Cultural Institution of the local government of Wielkopolskie Voivodeship

Office in the Museum in Chelmno
Chełmno 59A, 62-660 Dąbie
phone: +48 63 271 94 47 
Mobile +48 695 003 137

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